October 26, 2022

How to Prepare for an RTT® Session

Let’s get you set up for success for your RTT® session and maximise your time to help get the best results!

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It can be daunting having an RTT® session for the first time and it is totally normal to have some reservations and hesitations about going under hypnosis.  

Before your session, you will be sent an intake form so I can obtain information about you and your presenting problem.  This will help me to prepare for your session to tailor it specifically to your needs.

Once we do an intake session, the next session will be your RTT® session.  It is important to ensure that you can be uninterrupted, relaxed and in a quiet area.


Before the session, I will explain to you how the session will work and what to do if there are any interruptions during the session. By being properly set up prior, this can help you to feel more relaxed and calm and really help to enhance your treatment experience.  

To help prepare for your session, please check and set up:

·     Seat yourself near your WI-FI router for a good Wi-Fi signal  


·     Turn off any mobile devices and laptop notifications


·     Turn on the lights in the room


·     Plugin your computer and check it is charging.  Try to use a computer so you do not have to hold a tablet or phone. You will not be able to consciously hold a device as you will be relaxed in hypnosis.


·     Go to the bathroom as you will be seated for between 90 mins – 2 hours


·     Seat yourself where you will not be disturbed by pets/children etc.  


·     Position yourself somewhere that you will be comfortable and have the room at the right temperature.  Have lights on – if needed – or if during the session, the room is likely to get dark with the time change.


·     Please allow time after your session to integrate and rest if needed.  There are a range of feelings and emotions that may arise so allowing time to integrate is an important part of the process.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email: hello@marissawarren.com Thank you.

If you would like to experience RTT for yourself and break free from your limiting beliefs and make amazing changes in your life, book a free discovery call and let's book In a session for you!

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